
How Pricepally is reinventing Bulk buying Fresh-farm foods in Nigeria.

How Pricepally is reinventing Bulk buying Fresh-farm foods in Nigeria.

Bulk buying of fresh farm foods remains a luxury in Nigeria, with multiple entry barriers ranging from accessibility to trust and logistics, among others. But with services provided by Pricepally, the challenges of buying fresh local food are being overcome.

Consumers with busy lives and average budgets experience a tough time buying fresh local farm food. At the same time, businesses that maintain a standard of quality meals run at a loss.

At the value chain, a disconnect is visible in how farmers produce, merchants wholesale, and middlemen retail. But Pricepally endeavours to create a market system where production, wholesaling, and retailing are all done collaboratively.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, data reveals that Nigerians incurred N40.20 trillion as household consumption expenditure in 2019. In 2009, the last time the report was published, Nigerians spent N21.62 trillion on consumption expenditure.

The 2019 expenditure pattern report, which measures Nigeria’s spending pattern in both food and non-food items, also reveal that 56.65% of household expenditure in 2019 was spent on food.

In the past two years, Pricepally has worked efficiently to flatten this curve by serving over a thousand households with bulk food supply and enabling individuals to access quality fresh farm foods at affordable prices. We are steadily cutting out the middlemen who give less value for money by providing a platform for the average individual to access quality wholesale food items saving time and money.

We are leveraging three components that we refer to as our pillars in solving bulk purchase at lower prices.

They include Data, Technology, and Partnerships.

Using accurate data alongside technology, we are proactively aggregating demand, providing supply and forecasting prices to help consumers make better purchasing. Technology gives us an intelligent approach to solve time, logistics, and convenience problems while gathering requests through social media, app, web services, and emails to provide a convenient shopping experience.

And by partnering with a network of farmers and wholesalers across Nigeria, we guarantee fresh and affordable food supply. Our supply network spans from Jos in Plateau to Kano, Kaduna, Benue Ondo, Oyo, and Ekiti.
