
No water left behind: 5 water-rich Nigerian fruits for hydration

Your body suffers when it lacks water. Water-rich fruits can help you meet your fluid quota to prevent dehydration.

Do you know that losing as little as 2% of your body’s water is bad for your physical and mental health? That’s why adequate water intake, or hydration, is non-negotiable. Water regulates body temperature, delivers nutrients and oxygen to cells, and improves brain function. 

Despite the health benefits of hydration, more people don’t take the recommended daily 11–16 cups of water. The reasons range from inaccessibility to potable water, unhealthy hydration habits, and demographic differences. Equating “cups of water” to “plain water” is another misconception affecting proper fluid intake. 

While your body needs plain water, it’s not the only fluid you need. Water from other food sources—especially water-rich fruits—contributes to your fluid quota. As a Nigerian, are you unsure about water-rich fruits you shouldn’t leave behind in your diet? We made this post to clarify your doubts. 

Tips for staying hydrated

Follow the tips below if you want to improve your fluid consumption. 

1. Set a reminder

It isn’t uncommon not to drink enough water because you don’t feel thirsty. In 2018, a survey discovered that people didn’t drink enough water because of a “lack of thirst.” Although the explanation is logical, it may cause dehydration. That’s why you shouldn’t leave hydration to thirst sensations alone; you must include it in your diet plan. 

Reminders can help you meet your hydration needs. Make reminders based on your health and body status. For example, athletes need electrolyte-rich fluids, such as coconut water, to counterbalance excess water and nutrient loss during exercise. Other factors affecting hydration reminders and goals are sex, schedule, and climatic conditions. 

2. Bottle up! 

It’s superb that you have a plan to drink more water. But how do you ensure you’re drinking enough water? Always keep a bottle of fluids close to you. They’re easy to carry while helping you meet your hydration needs. 

3. Eat water-rich fruits

Hydrating fruits don’t replace plain water. However, they’re excellent for filling your water dosage. Besides water, hydrating fruits are rich stores of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that ensure optimal body function. 

In line with planning your hydration schedules, you can buy water-rich fruits and vegetables from Pricepally in retail and bulk quantities. We’ll deliver the food items to your doorstep to save you from physical shopping stress.  

What’s more? You can share the cost of fruits (e.g., watermelon) with friends or other shoppers using our bulk-sharing feature (Pally). 

Here’s how to use Pally to buy one dozen watermelons.

  • Log in to Pricepally through Android, the web, or iOS. Choose the fruit you want to buy. 
  • Click on Select Order Type. Select Pally (Share) and choose the portion you want to buy. Add to cart, proceed to payment, or continue shopping.

The gif below summarizes the process. 

How to use Pally to share the cost of watermelon (a water-rich fruit) on Pricepally

5 water-rich fruits for hydration

Let’s examine the hydrating fruits your diet shouldn’t miss. 

1. Watermelon

The price of water-rich fruits, such as watermelon, green apples, and cherry mango, on Pricepally

Watermelon’s name gives it away. Water (92%) is the prevalent nutrient in the soft, bright red fruit. Besides water, it’s filled with fiber and essential nutrients, such as vitamins, potassium, and magnesium. It’s also a low-calorie fruit that promotes fullness, making it suitable for controlling body weight. You can consume watermelon alone, as part of a fruit salad, or blended with other fruits as a smoothie

2. Apples 

A less heralded benefit of apples is their high water content. At 88%, it’s a healthy, water-rich fruit your body needs. Apples are also rich in plant compounds (such as flavonoids) that lower the risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes. 

It’s a low-calorie fruit with sufficient fiber that controls body weight and promotes heart health. Its rich nutrient profile is why “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” isn’t a cliche. 

Preservation tip: Apples are sensitive to ethylene, the fruit-ripening compound in plants. Don’t store apples together or with other ethylene-producing fruits like bananas, avocados, ripe tomatoes, and pears to prevent spoilage. 

3. Mango

Mango improves constipation because of its sufficient water (80-85%) and fiber content. Its rich nutrient profile explains why individuals who ate mangoes once every day for four weeks had fewer constipation symptoms compared with those who didn’t in 2018. 

Additionally, mango provides 25% of the daily recommended vitamin A for the body. Vitamins A and C are macronutrients that improve eye and skin health, bone growth, and the immune system. 

Health tip: Diabetics should moderately eat mangoes. Mangoes contain high amounts of natural sugars that may increase the blood sugar levels of individuals with diabetes

4. Coconut water

The prices of water-rich fruits, like coconut and orange, on Pricepally

Coconut contains mostly water. It contains bone-friendly calcium and heart-friendly potassium. Besides, it’s a good source of magnesium, which may increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels in diabetics and prediabetics. 

Additionally, coconut water reduces kidney stones by preventing crystal formation in the kidney and other urinary parts. Because it’s an excellent source of electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, and calcium), coconut water ensures fluid balance in the body, especially after exercise. 

5. Citrus fruits (orange and grapefruit)

Citruses come in different shapes and sizes. Grapefruit and oranges are two of the most water-filled citrus fruits. Water makes up almost 90% of grapefruit and oranges, making them the perfect fruit for hydration. 

Both citrus fruits contain low calories and are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, which prevent bacteria and virus infections. Grapefruit is fiber-rich and a great source of magnesium, which lowers insulin resistance and improves blood sugar control. Both fruits support heart health because they contain sufficient amounts of potassium. 

FAQs about hydrating fruits in Nigeria

How much water should I drink every day?

Water consumption varies based on body size, environment, and activity level. There are no universal answers to how much water you should drink daily. However, health experts recommend 11.5 cups of water (2.7 liters) for women and 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men. 

How do I know I’m drinking enough water?

There’s no silver bullet to knowing when you’re drinking enough water. Nonetheless, the Columbia University Irving Medical Center suggested healthy signs that you’re drinking sufficient water. It includes: 

  • Improved physical performance
  • Light, yellow, near-clear, or clear urine color 
  • Soft lips and skin

In contrast, signs of dehydration include: 

  • Cracked or pruned lips
  • Dry eyes 
  • Cottonmouth (or dry mouth)
  • Dry or scaly skin

Can I drink energy drinks to stay hydrated? 

The high presence of caffeine makes energy drinks unsafe for hydration. Excess caffeine may cause anxiety, relentlessness, and irregular sleeping. Sports medicine physician Elan Goldwaser buttressed the sentiment. He said, “Energy drinks need to be used with caution and shouldn’t be a source of hydration or nutrition, especially for children.”

The added sugar content in energy drinks is another sticking issue. Goldwaser said further, “It’s confusing because people see vitamins in an energy or hydration drink and think it must be good for you. But you cannot ignore all the added sugar and sugar equivalents, chemicals, and caffeine in these [energy] drinks, which can lead to neurodevelopmental issues, anxiety, headaches, hypertension, and more, including caffeine toxicity.”
