Living in Nigeria in 2025 is a high-cost task. From food prices to data costs to transport fares, inflation has hit everything. If you’ve shopped groceries recently, whether online or in walk-in supermarkets, did you pause to reread the price labels to be sure you weren’t mixing up the digits?
And true, you can cut down expenses, spend less on data, remove Netflix from your subscription stack, or even stop hailing car services. But there’s only so much you can do to reduce your cost of dieting.
Even if you switch from eating out to cooking your meals, you need groceries. And if you’re a busy parent planning your family’s meals or a remote worker desiring to fix a poor eating habit, you can’t stop buying food and other groceries.
This is why we’re excited to introduce the 2025 Loyalty Rewards, our reward scheme that lets you win back and save money when you shop your groceries from PricePally.
Want to learn more about this?
PricePally Loyalty Rewards
The 2025 Loyalty Rewards scheme is our invite to you to unlock free groceries because you shop on PricePally.
You can earn up to ₦50,000 worth of groceries or up to 10% off your orders with our reward schemes.
How to Qualify for the Rewards?
Every PricePally customer is eligible to win free groceries on PricePally. Doesn’t matter if you started shopping on PricePally three months ago.
Here’s the complete eligibility list:
- To get the rewards, orders must be placed directly on the website, app, or with April, PricePally’s shopping assistant.
- You can partake of the Single Order scheme or the Quarterly Spending scheme. For the Single Order, you earn for every unique order completed. For the quarterly scheme, you earn on accumulated spending for a single quarter (three months).
- You must spend at least ₦25000 on fresh produce. Fresh produce here includes but isn’t limited to tomatoes, rodo (scotch bonnet pepper), sombo, bawa, tatase, bell peppers, onions, cabbage, and yam.
- Your total order value for a single order must be at least ₦100,000. Your total order value for the quarterly spending must be at least ₦300,000.
- Orders with only fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) products are ineligible. Again, you must include fresh produce in your order.
- Orders with only bags of rice do not count.
To enjoy the rewards, simply ensure you do a holistic shopping—purchase snacks, grains, pepper ingredients, fruits, and more.

What do you get?
What you earn is unique to the reward scheme you participate in.

For Single Order Rewards:
Spend a minimum of ₦100,000 on a single order consecutively to get:
- 3rd order in 2025: Receive a FREE paint bucket of tomatoes and 1 kg of onions.
- 6th order in 2025: Receive FREE 1kg tomatoes, 500g Ata Rodo, 2kg Sombo/Tatase, and 850g red onions.
- 12th order in 2025: Get 10% off your next order.
For example, Yunus buys a half bag of rice, a fruit basket, and a small bundle of standard stew pack on the 5th of February. This order totals ₦123,110 on PricePally. Three weeks later, shortly after salary day, Yunus buys a half bag of beans, yams, the sweet pepper stew pack, and some provisions on PricePally. The order totals about ₦120,000. On Yunus’s third order, Yunus purchases a bundle similar to the first one, totaling ₦102,550.
After this third purchase, Yunus gets a FREE paint bucket of tomatoes and 1 kg of onions from PricePally. This is regardless of the next order’s content or when it happens. This is because for Yunus’s first three orders, he spent at least ₦25,000 on fresh produce as stipulated.
For Quarterly Spending Rewards:
Spend at least ₦300,000 in total quarterly to get these on your next order:
- 4th Month (April): FREE paint bucket of tomatoes and 1kg of onions.
- 7th Month (July): FREE 1kg tomatoes, 500g Ata Rodo, 2kg Sombo/Tatase, and 850g red onions.
- 9th Month (October): 10% off your next order.
For example, Yunus buys a half bag of rice, a fruit basket, and a small bundle standard stew pack in January. This order totals ₦123,110 on PricePally. In February, shortly after salary day, Yunus buys a half bag of beans, yams, the sweet pepper stew pack, and some provisions on PricePally. The order totals about ₦120,000. Then in March, Yunus buys the breakfast bundle, the fried rice bundle, and some vegetables, totaling ₦75,000.
In April, when Yunus orders, he will get a FREE paint bucket of tomatoes and 1 kg of onions from PricePally, irrespective of his order details. This is because Yunus spent more than ₦300,000 in Q1—between January and March.
With our loyalty rewards, there’s something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for? Got a PricePally account? That’s all you need (okay, and your debit card too 😉). Log in and start adding items to cart and clearing items from cart to win FREE groceries on PricePally.
The more you shop, the more you earn.
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